We’ve found JobAdX to be a winner for job seeker experience and for site monetization. JobAdX rotates content in a way that ensures candidates are only seeing jobs they like and avoids resurfacing jobs they don’t like. We’ve found that this model inherently leads to increased job seeker engagement. Paired with the fact that we’ve seen strong CPCs from JobAdx, we’ve found that their solution adds a good stream of incremental on-site yield as compared to many alternative providers. We started by testing JobAdX on one site. Because results were so strong, we quickly rolled them out across our network and saw similar results elsewhere.
Dan SapirRestoration Media
After seeing timely payouts that were 25% higher per click than their top vendor, Nerdy Hire doubled JobAdX’s dedicated first-page ad units to 10 after 5 months.
Steve SonnesNerdy Hire
The goal of the JobAdx is to empower employers to advertise jobs more dynamically using the power of Real-Time Job Delivery. I’m completely enthralled by the technology and I truly believe every TA shop should be testing programmatic…
Tim SackettHRU Technical Resources