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  4. Advertiser Pixel v2
  5. Redirect Variables

Redirect Variables

When our system redirects a user from a publisher’s website to your job’s page we include parameters within the URL that can be used for your own internal metrics. The list of the parameters is:

jdx_campaignThe slug of the campaign the job belongs to
jdx_cjidThe UUID for the job within the campaign. This is not the unique id for the job globally and is not the value you pass into the pixel’s click and conversion requests.
jdx_clickThe UUID of the click record in our system
jdx_sourceA unique identifier for the publisher the user was redirected from
jdx_cpcThe cost per click for the job at the time of redirect.
jdx_cwjidThe UUID for the campaign to source website connection
jdx_jidThe job's identifier (this should match the one in your system)

Example URL:
